Earth Recipes
Stew of green jackfruit
1 small green jackfruit
3 tomatoes
1 large green pepper
2 onions
half branch of coriander
1 can of sardines
1 tablespoon of palm oil (dendê)
1 dry coconut
salt and pepper to taste
After boil, peel the jackfruit and cut it into large pieces.
Cut the tomato, onion and green pepper into slices and mix it in a bowl with the sardines and the chopped coriander.
To prepare the coconut milk, remove the core of the coconut and mix it in the blender with a glass of water. After this step just pass the liquid through a sieve.
Shred the cooked jackfruit in a large pan. Add the coconut milk, a spoon of the palm oil and all the spices. Salt and pepper to taste.
Place the pan over medium heat and wait until the stew be ready.
Tip: To find out if the jackfruit is green and good for the stew you must see if the buds of the peel are small.
The word that makes us stand
Earth flavors
We, indigenous people from the village of Olivença, have a countless varieties of foods that are part of our culture. From all this delicious cultural flavors, we have the famous coconut candy made with dried coconut, water and sugar. As time went on other flavors have emerged such as peanut, pineapple, banana, cupuaçu, ginger, kiwi etc and the most famous: Cocoa. Whoever comes to the village of Olivença will not leave without tasting these delicious coconut sweets. They can be found on the beaches or in the Tororomba resort and its preparation is always handmade. Our cocada (coconut candy) has a secular tradition and for a long time in its history the coconut candy was produced by old women and sold only during the summer season. But nowadays it is brought to the whole world spreading a special flavor from the indegenous people.
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